Yoga Ways of Dealing: Let Go of Results

Sometimes, the philosophy of yoga can be applied in daily life to bring greater ease, and more contentment to the mind while we do our mundane daily tasks. You know, that might sound like a lot of thinking, but really, it is just holding some thought to allow yourself to remember what you are up to.

So often, we get used to setting some goal that we want to achieve by the end of the day, or the week. We want to feel we have forward progress. That is all fine, but it can put a pressure on us that makes it harder to enjoy the process. In some ways, that can be bringing a sort of non-attentiveness to what is in front of us. If my goal is to get two chapters read, but I have to make dinner – how am I going to approach making the dinner? Perhaps at least sometimes it means I would be hurried, rushed, or just bothered about having to do it.

Why set ourselves up to feel bad about something we are going to have to do?  

Yep – you have no need to hold onto the goal of finding a date, finishing school, getting the job, or making the house ready for guests. Whatever your goal is – let it move to the back a little bit.

It isn’t that the goal is a problem. Have them. But, if it is held onto so tightly that 80 percent of your day is a “thing in your way” then maybe letting the goal hang out in the background would help you just have a little more joy, or enjoyment in daily tasks.
“WHAT!?!” you might be saying in the mind right now.

Yep – just see what happens if you let it go.

First of all, you have no idea how your efforts will turn out, and holding on to preconceived ideas can actually make you forget the people you are actually wanting to support, or that mindfulness of  where you are at the moment  (rather than imagining yourself sometime in the future). Keeping your eye on the prize is so often what we are encouraged to focus on, people can sometimes forget themselves and end up right back in the mindset of wishing this moment was one in the future. If you never enjoy yourself right now, then you will never enjoy yourself. Think about it.

Second, we are really not meant to be the receivers of our own good. The world seems to give more to those who keep their gifts, talents, and focus out in the world, circulating. Did Steve Jobs or Beyonce keep their talents to themselves? This concept is very yogic and comes from my root teacher, Sri Swami Satchidananda. He suggests that we be more like the trees. Can you imagine an apple tree becoming upset that everyone else is eating its apples? The apples cannot be eaten by the tree. The tree is cared for by others – the rain and the sun and the soil. From there its own ” pleasure and enjoyment” (for a tree, the conditions which help it to grow) may be cultivated. So, too, we are not meant to be the ones feeding on our own fruits, but we may receive those of others. In this way we can care for each other. It is an interesting and freeing concept.

Funny how so often the fruits of our efforts come from those daily tasks like making dinner, or opening a can for a spouse. Taking out the trash is certainly a gift to many people. These little things are so beautiful. And how you do them can add so much beauty to it.

So when you do the dishes, it is not to make yourself happy. Not some time in the future, not ever. It is a time you can offer for the care and benefit of others. But, letting that go… you can just experience the joy that having running water brings. You can appreciate the fact the lights are working and you have the soap and food to also use with these dishes. These gifts that others spent time doing, just as you are doing something for others now. Right now is the time to enjoy them.

Yoga thought of the Day: How do I want to do this task that is in front of me now?

Yoga Practices: Sun Salutations (step up your game, if you want)



Extended Side angle

Temple Pose


Bow pose

Shoulderstand or legs up the wall

Fish pose


3 thoughts on “Yoga Ways of Dealing: Let Go of Results

  1. Great article-very thought provoking. I love the part about not keeping our gifts. We are meant to expand and grow, and the only way to do that is to give away what you are, so you can be filled up with more. Lovely…

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