Yoga’s Ways of Dealing: Don’t Beat Yourself Up, but get into it! Tapas.

In Yoga, we talk about ahimsa a lot. Ahimsa means “non-harming” or “non-injury” and if you have been to one of my classes you know I am big on all of my students knowing about this. Approaching ourselves with a sense of kindness and compassion is terribly important. So many people develop the habit of … More Yoga’s Ways of Dealing: Don’t Beat Yourself Up, but get into it! Tapas.

Yoga Ways to Deal: Yoga isn’t meant to be a chore, so goof off already!

I mean really. If I see so much seriousness anywhere else, I think someone is having problems. We are get to have joy, and we ourselves can be enjoyable in yoga, right? I mean supposedly. Perhaps if you are having a bad day, or something difficult is occurring in your life, take the day as a rest … More Yoga Ways to Deal: Yoga isn’t meant to be a chore, so goof off already!

Yoga Ways to Deal: Crocodiles lie and Stress Relief

Crocodiles are interesting creatures. They lie in wait in the shallows of the water, awaiting their prey. Unafraid to jump in and care for themselves, they have become a feared animal. The stillness they are able to cultivate offers many lessons if we take this into our practice. They also have a lot to offer … More Yoga Ways to Deal: Crocodiles lie and Stress Relief